Advice for single
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There's no doubt about it, the end of a relationship is an extremely traumatic affair. It represents a huge change in one's life, not to mention the hurt and pain. Like all traumatic events, time will make things better but there are things that you can do to make it easier. Here is a list of things to consider doing:
Write a list of all the negative aspects of the relationship you can think of and keep it by your bed. Look at it every morning to start your day feeling glad that you're out of it
Learn to appreciate being single....look at friends or collegues in bad relationships and feel glad that you are in charge of your own destiny without compromise
Change your bedroom or even redecorate the house to remove old memories and signify a new start
If you've been thinking about buying a new car, now is the time to get it...pamper yourself
Pay particular attention to your appearance...feeling good on the outside will help you feel good on the inside
Give yourself realistic goals to achieve
There will of course be times when you feel dreadful about the whole thing...tell yourself that it's just a temporary blip and it won't interfere with your new life plan
Take time to consider what went wrong in the relationship, reflect on it and use this knowledge to understand better how not to let it happen again.
Try not to get consumed with hate, blame or guilt. Negative emotions like this will really drag you down. However difficult it may be, forgiveness will allow you to grow much better
Finally, consider this situation as an ideal opportunity to audit your life and get everything in order. Imagine the person you really want to be and work towards being that person secure in the knowledge you will be a much better, well rounded person and above all an excellent catch for your next partner
Advices http://www.new-dating.com/search.php